Know Your Worth:-- Many a time , people  around you might have tried in different ways to make you feel that you are worthless, you are hopeless or you are good for nothing person  may be in different stages of your life . Sometime , you might have felt depressed , valueless  and quite frustrated by such verbal abuses . It might have angered you too. But wait a minute, have you really taken the bait and made those people winner ? If not , please listen to me , you are not worthless, I am repeating you are not worthless. 

     You may not know your worth, but are quite a worth many times better than those who abuses you.. See we all have different talent which is unique for each of us.. Most of the time ,we do not know about our own talent and the means to develop it. This is our gift , this is our worth and it is priceless. You just have to identify and develop it. Say for example, you may not be good in study at all but, you may be a good cook. This is your asset, this is your worth, you just have to let it grow to its optimum limit and it may make millionaire. It may be such that you have innate capacity of convincing others, this is a very valuable worth, you can use it to grow as a political leader or as a salesman in insurance company .Either way you are not worthless.

Value your worth :-- Whatever your worth is whatever your asset is you must respect it and value it . You must have faith in your very own personal trait which is your innate worth. This will bring confidence in you and you will see that nobody will be able to confuse you about your worth . At least in your eye your worth should never go down.

Grow and encash your worth:--  Once you know your worth,your asset , your personal trait, invest your time and your money in it to grow it . You nust grow your worth to its limitless level and when it grow enough , you must use it to earn money.

You will find that you are enjoying what you are doing because your worth is a part of your character and this will carry you through in your life .


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