Life is Interesting and Adventurous

 Life is quite interesting if you just see it from this angle. You know life is different every day , every moment. There is so much to learn from these moments and its events called success and failures , joy and sorrow , tears and smile of happiness and so on and so forth . 

Success will lead you to meet a number of friends and acquaintances, most of which will gather around you with certain self interests and selfish motives. They will simply gather to enjoy your success without having any good wishes for you in their heart . But, it also will encircle you with some people who have been your support  during your days of suffering and pain. You just have let them feel that they are important in your life.

Failure on the other hand, will leave you alone most of the time. You will find it dull very dull in the beginning , but as you widen up your perspective, you will  be happy that you are actually free from blood sucking, heartless deadly parasites. This is the time you should take to think about the lessons that you have learnt from your failures , This is the time you should take to redirect and restore yourself to take a Hanuman leap towards your success. Mind it, you might get some good friends or somebody who stood by you during the time of your crisis. Don't ever ignore them foolishly, make them your companion for rest of the journey.

Similarly joy and happiness might push you to utmost carelessness . Be alert during those time . It may help you regain your equilibrium. Tears and sorrow will give you a chance to grow strong by suppressing your weakness. It will test your indepth strength and ability to cope up with the adverse circumstances.

Thus you will see that life always gives you opportunity to evolve into strong and higher being. It allows you to evolve endlessly. If you see this side of life , you will find life is interesting and adventurous at the same time . As you starts to tackle your the challenges thrown upon you which are always temporary in nature , you will see that life is beautiful. At the end you will realise that life has expectations from you and not that you have any expectations from life . You will finally find out that you are way bigger than the life itself.


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