Karma simply means your work. But one must understand that it actually refers to all the bad or good that comes to your life due to your Karma in this life or in your previous life . 

The Bhagavat Gita says that we cannot live without doing Karma . We do Karma either by thought , speech or by action. Our conscious or unconscious act leaves impressions in our memory which in due course of time, creates a natural tendency about that type of action whose impression is marked in our subtle memory. This is a very dangerous thing for us for we find it hard to stoop and many a time it may lead to our compulsive action that is harmful for us and our society . This is a type of tendency that follows us from birth after birth  and we say that our Karma is following us everywhere . The reward of our action either good or bad based upon Karma also follows us . In this way, the cyclical pattern of Karma and its reward goes on and on infinitely until and unless we break this cycle..

The easiest way to break this cycle is to stop creating further Karma and take on all your past Karma and its reward without getting attached to it. But how can we stop creating Karma? Ofcourse you cannot stop creating Karma that easily but you can get same benefit of not creating Karma by not getting entangled to Karma by getting detached  from  the reward of  Karma . 


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