What is Heaven?

Answer:-- Heaven is a trap to entrap you in fool's paradise or let me say fantasy of insane mind . It is nothing but a bait to lure you into a psychological trap by which priest or pastor or mullah whatever they are called  will cheat you throughout your life of your hard earned money and will use you against your fellow human brothers to achieve their evil design. If it is such a resource full place , then why don't they go there first / Why they want to take your money or use you to achieve their personal goals? 

Likewise , hell is also an invention by these wicked people . It is a trap of fear . they are using this fear as a psychological tool to entrap you , whereas when it comes to them , they don't care anything and do the most hideous crime one can do in the planet.

These people have waged war in the name of heaven , hell and are responsible for the death and murder of billions of people. . So, beware of their trap and try to create a heaven in this earth itself which you can see , feel etc, rather than imagining extra planetary things and place and hating your own fellow brothers. 


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