
Showing posts from April, 2021
Question:--How to  enjoy life to the fullest? Answer:-- To enjoy life to the fullest we need to take care of certain important  faculties of life , which are:'-- 1/ The scientific temperament : It means that we all should develop a scientific way of looking at the things and events around us . We should be able to look at the things as they are and not as we presume to be . This will free our mind from the dogmas of prejudices and will enable us to have the real and original view of the things that we come across .In away , this will help us to balance ourselves in doing everything that we do for survival and will also help us to understand the worth of everybody's life and happiness around us.. This also will free us from the slavery of psychological trap called religion and will enable us to see humanity as the basis of sustenance of human civilization. In this way , this will help in bringing mental equilibrium and peace in the personal level as well as in the society as a w
                                                                       YOUR WORTH   Know Your Worth:-- Many a time , people  around you might have tried in different ways to make you feel that you are worthless, you are hopeless or you are good for nothing person  may be in different stages of your life . Sometime , you might have felt depressed , valueless  and quite frustrated by such verbal abuses . It might have angered you too. But wait a minute, have you really taken the bait and made those people winner ? If not , please listen to me , you are not worthless, I am repeating you are not worthless.       You may not know your worth, but are quite a worth many times better than those who abuses you.. See we all have different talent which is unique for each of us.. Most of the time ,we do not know about our own talent and the means to develop it. This is our gift , this is our worth and it is priceless. You just have to identify and develop it. Say for example, you may not be good i
 What is Heaven? Answer:-- Heaven is a trap to entrap you in fool's paradise or let me say fantasy of insane mind . It is nothing but a bait to lure you into a psychological trap by which priest or pastor or mullah whatever they are called  will cheat you throughout your life of your hard earned money and will use you against your fellow human brothers to achieve their evil design. If it is such a resource full place , then why don't they go there first / Why they want to take your money or use you to achieve their personal goals?  Likewise , hell is also an invention by these wicked people . It is a trap of fear . they are using this fear as a psychological tool to entrap you , whereas when it comes to them , they don't care anything and do the most hideous crime one can do in the planet. These people have waged war in the name of heaven , hell and are responsible for the death and murder of billions of people. . So, beware of their trap and try to create a heaven in this
                                                                                       Mantras for Success In life everybody strives foe success but, only few gets it and rest fails. Do you know why? Because just running after the success blindly do not yield any result . Then what should be done is the question. Is in it? In answer , i will not lecture you but, i will give the following methods which are the only mantras for success in this age-- 1/ THIRST:-- Develop unquenchable thirst for  your goal so much so that no other duty should stand in its way. If you have this thirst or if you can develop this thirst then your body, mind , emotion and focus will all get directed towards your goal. This is the first step taken successfully. 2/ INFORMATION:-- Get all the necessary information regarding your goal and also all the additional information if available that is related to your goal. Get a detail analysis of whatever information you have collected. 3/ PLANNING:-- Now its time for p
                                                                 UNDERSTANDING KARMA Karma simply means your work. But one must understand that it actually refers to all the bad or good that comes to your life due to your Karma in this life or in your previous life .  The Bhagavat Gita says that we cannot live without doing Karma . We do Karma either by thought , speech or by action. Our conscious or unconscious act leaves impressions in our memory which in due course of time, creates a natural tendency about that type of action whose impression is marked in our subtle memory. This is a very dangerous thing for us for we find it hard to stoop and many a time it may lead to our compulsive action that is harmful for us and our society . This is a type of tendency that follows us from birth after birth  and we say that our Karma is following us everywhere . The reward of our action either good or bad based upon Karma also follows us . In this way, the cyclical pattern of Karma and its rew
                                                         Success is Sure for Those Who Prepares Everyone of us has certain aims in life or may be only one aim we pursue but, only few of us realizes our goals . Why so? Why can't all of us are successful in our attempts and achieve our goals ?  There are many factors responsible for the failure of most of us in achieving our goal. One of the reason is Preparation; which we do not do or we do it very poorly. We are not committed to our goal and so we prepares loosely and complains strongly. Let us see how preparation is important and how it can bring success to us. We all know the story of Rama . how he fought with Ravana and defeated him . But what we do not think and know that how he prepared for near about a decade to take on to Ravana. Rama went on from place to place , from one forest to another on foot is simply remarkable and unimaginable today . What could he had eaten during those time and how did he manage himself can you im
                                                  Take Life As A  Life Only   Some says take life one day at a time. To me it is a serious joke because we cannot take life as installment according to our wish, neither we can divide it as fragments and decides to take whatever portion we want  as per our comfort.  Again some says that life is a gift from God. Well seems so fantastic is in it? But if  so God must be so pathetic and so partial in dealing , He has given in abundance to some and dried up the resources for some other . He must be very unfair to people who does not know, believe or abide by Him .Well ...seems so cruel and miserable than even most of us ..the humans. So, life to me is neither of the above as let us not pass our foolishness to somebody whose existence we do not know yet for sure. Therefore let us take life as it is and strive for its fullest growth and further evolution . While doing so don't forget to enjoy your life to the optimum and the best possible wa
Question: Why are people jealous of me for no reason? Answer : People are jealous of  you not for no reason but for many reasons. Some of these reasons are :-- 1/ Deep in their mind somewhere they knows that you are more superior to them , more capable than them and more popular than them. 2/ Your very presence is enough to make them insecure about their fundamental existence. 3/ Your very personality arouses a sense of fear in them A fear that you will grab the best and they will have to settle with the rest.. 4/ They always like to be at the top of the strata without  being eligible for the post .  5/ They may be sick because of certain personality disorder or complexity like that of inferior or superior complexity .  6/ They might feel that their interst is at stake because of your action etc.    
                                        Live Every Moment Like It Is Your Last Moment People lives their lives , whole lives complaining about their parents , teachers, spouse, friends etc. etc What they forgets is their own self , their own involvement , their own commitments and their very own  intent desire to live a complete and wholesome life. Please see yourself as a life not somebody tagged with some identity in the beginning or please see yourself as a part of the entire creation and not something that is poured down from above. If you could do this , you will see there is no difference between you and anything else in the creation. This in turn will bring a sense of oneness, a sense of belongingness with that of the nature or creation This sense will fill your heart with immense sense of love , care , and empathy for every  being of the creation. There will be no differences anymore  . Whole creation will be one family , just one single family. You will see that you have engag
                                                   Life is Interesting and Adventurous  Life is quite interesting if you just see it from this angle. You know life is different every day , every moment. There is so much to learn from these moments and its events called success and failures , joy and sorrow , tears and smile of happiness and so on and so forth .  Success will lead you to meet a number of friends and  acquaintances, most of which will gather around you with certain self interests and selfish motives. They will simply gather to enjoy your success without having any good wishes for you in their heart . But, it also will encircle you with some people who have been your support  during your days of suffering and pain. You just have let them feel that they are important in your life. Failure on the other hand, will leave you alone most of the time. You will find it dull very dull in the beginning , but as you widen up your perspective, you will  be happy that you are actuall